Sunday, 23 March 2008

Movie Co-incidences

So last night we settled down for a quiet night in front of the telly, with the intention of dipping into our considerable collection of as yet unwatched DVD movies. First up, Almodovar's 'Live Flesh'. A fantastic, richly rewarding film, which, as it turns out, includes a central performance by Javier Bardem, which I hadn't realised until he appeared on screen. IMDB attests that the his co-star, the wonderful Liberto Rabal's career has not been quite so glorious. After that, we had a dinner of trout and kale, and then settled down to watch the Coen Brothers 'Blood Simple'. A great movie, but for me, much less enjoyable than the Almodovar film. I pondered on the fact that the three most enjoyable films of recent times that I have watched at home have all been European - The Lives of Others, The Edukators, and Live Flesh. Anyway, the random selection of the two films from our shelves threw up the interesting coincidence that both had at their hearts the theme of marital infidelity, photos being taken of supposedly secret liasions, and lovers being shot. So once I realised there was a patten, I ended up watching Blood Simple entirely through the filter of looking for links with Live Flesh. That is all.

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